Monday, October 19, 2015


Somewhere in the corner of my mind...
I wish I was walking on wet grass
And breathing the salty air by the sea
Where it didn't matter who you knew
Or you never had to play pretend
Just the space where I could be I and You could be You.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Just Another Day for Humanity!

So I am being flooded with messages everywhere for Women's Day! Whatsapp, SMS, FB, BBM... and Google too!!! And one thought that has been in my mind since last evening is that why is there one special day for women - which is half the humanity or more! This post does not aim at any kind of intellectual masturbation or try and be feminist in any nature... So be warned if you are looking for some fodder for your sleeping brains on this Saturday morning. Just read this and let it settle in your mind!

We are all human species - regenerated from the same gene from eons ago. Men and Women - The Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the parts.

So all I wish to convey today is that... No, Women are not born into this world with pre-loaded softwares to grow into the several roles that are expected from them. Whatever we do for the people in our lives is out of our love and willingness and we wish to not be 'coerced' or 'forced' just because as women we are expected to be perfect and dutifully 'fulfill several roles'.

I wish that men really start seeing us as equal Human Beings primarily and make efforts to catch up with us, be able to multi-task better than we can and start claiming some more importance from the world... so that one day, we also have a 'Men's Day' to celebrate for all the things you do for the women in your lives!!! Imagine in some years from now, the messages would read something like this:

From school boys to strong career men to Rocking Dads... The journey has been nothing less than a rollercoaster ride.
You are beautiful in your own way. You bake, you burn, you laugh and you learn.
You sing, you dance like no one's watching, you can discuss recipes and world affairs with ease as you mow the lawns.
You work hard and build our home together and you care and partner your woman in every goal.
Though life is tough with you, it is also incomplete without you!
Happy Men's day!

Friday, November 23, 2012


I am in search... in search of what will take me to higher planes in my internal universe. The outside world is getting flatter by the day and two-dimensional and it is limiting my pursuit. Google does not have the answers to my search. It is time I enter into a parallel four dimensional world to pursuit my search and build an alternate universe for myself.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


As she watched the raindrops through the window, she thanked God for all the beautiful creations of life - rain being the most important of all. Rain, which gave life, raised hopes and made dreams come true. Her village had seen rain showers after over a decade and she knew that God had answered her prayers. This Diwali would indeed be the festival of lights for all the villagers!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


He finally managed to buy the diamond ring he wanted, to propose to his girlfriend of many years. As he held onto the box in his hand, he thought of various romantic ways to propose to her that night. So lost was he in his thoughts, that he tripped on the suitcase lying on the footpath which triggered off the blast as it was meant to. The diamond turned to powder in a fraction of a second.

- Dedicated to the dreams of lives lost in the blasts in Mumbai on 14th July, 2011. R.I.P.